Member-only story
Reframe, Rethink and Reassess Everything
I was walking home the other day and looked up to see a slightly different path than I usually take. I have walked the same route to work every day for the past 18 months but for whatever reason looked up and saw a gap I hadn’t seen before.
Perhaps it was the music I was listening to. Maybe it was something that caught my eye and made me look in a new direction. Whatever it was ended up saving me 5 minutes on my way to work every day.
A five-minute savings every workday saved me 2.5 days in a year. A simple shift in the way I walked to work saved me 1200 minutes a year.
One thousand two hundred minutes every year.
What else am I doing out of habit that needs to be reframed? What other repetitive things in my life can be shifted, changed, removed or renewed?
How about your life? Is your root to work the same that it’s always been? If you change something small do you think it can lead to a big shift in your life? I bet it can.
When was the last time you changed your sleeping habits? Let’s do the calculations: