Here are some unexpectedly difficult questions to ask yourself:
1. How do you define success?
Not, “what is success in the world?”. No.
How do you, reading this right now, define what success looks like in your life?
Have you ever given this any thought? Or, have you simply inherited a broad definition of success from your friends, family and colleagues?
Do you see success on screens and want what they have?
Do you crave the fancy cars you see on Instagram? Do you dream of the curated fake lives of shmodels and douche-boys bragging about rooms rented by the hour and private jet sets that look almost real?
2. How do you define a wealthy life?
Is it only profit?
Is it only time?
Is it a big house, a nice car, three kids, a happy relationship?
There has to be more to a wealthy life than money, right? RIGHT? If your answer to this is “no”, that’s cool. Let’s talk in 20 years.
3. Do you enjoy your work most days?
Or is every day a slog?